Purpose and Networking, Why it is important?

If a 5 years old kid asked you what a purpose is and why it is important, what would your answer be?

Kautsar Muhammad Iqbal
2 min readJan 23, 2021

I would say that a purpose is something that makes you wake up in the morning and get excited about it. A purpose is also like a filtration machine, we do things in life that support our purpose. Moreover, a story of why Japanese people live longer and happier even though their age is like 80+ is because they have something called Ikigai or simply purpose/meaning in life. Hence, that’s why a purpose is Important

But, it’s a huge burden for most people when they have to answer what is your purpose in life? have you found it? is it noble? and etc. Finding a purpose in life is a journey and we should enjoy the process, according to Kak Devina.

“We don’t have to be great to start, but we have to start to be great”

Later on, we can divide a purpose in terms of tangible and intangible. The tangible one is the purpose we can measure and see the progress, like where do you want to work, continuing our study for master degree/Ph.D., or even starting a new business. Whereas, the intangible purpose is something that’s vice versa, like contributing to make the earth a better living place.

Kak Rivaldo Gere Gurky, Director at Prieds.com, also has a point of view that a purpose is something given by God and can be represented as the word Yada that means the highest level of commitment.

There are also three tips to find your purpose. First, review the past, ask yourself what are the things that you most passionate about. Second, keep exploring, always seek information from others. And the last one, leverage that that purpose to re-energize.

“If you want to be tigers, hang out with tigers”

After we find our purpose, the next step is to have networking to help us achieve our purpose. There are two types of networking, horizontally and vertically. Before we start networking, make sure we already have determined the targeted network. After that, we can join communities/social events and be proactive (using social media).

This article is made possible by today’s StudentCalayst first forum with Kak Yosephine Devina and Rivaldo Gere Gurky as speakers.



Kautsar Muhammad Iqbal

Mindful wordsmith with green visions. Pursuing self-improvement, guided by the amygdala's hidden depths